I heard a message this morning that included this line, "I can't do this! No, you can't!". It went on to explain how we need to put ourselves in God's hands and depend on His strength. We cannot live the Christian lives we are called to live on our own.
This reminded me of how much Cheryl and I depend on God, and have depended on God, to restore our marriage, and how blessed we are because of it! I do not take credit for where we are in our relationship. I, nor Cheryl, could have got us to the beautiful place we're at!
The other day someone commented to me that they admire us for our level of commitment, and what we've come through to be where we are. I thanked her, and I was thrilled that people do notice! But that praise should not come to me and Cheryl. This was, and is, a mighty work of God! The commitment, the forgiveness, the devotion, the love, the joy, the contentment, and all other aspects of our relationship, happen, and continue to happen, because we are in a right relationship with Him! Our lives....everybody's lives....would be in turmoil if they choose to ignore that fact. We, and I mean we collectively as the human race, are all dysfunctional! Sin makes us that way. The only cure for our dysfunctionality (is that a word?) is Christ's redeeming sacrifice, and aligning ourselves with that truth!
So rely on God to bring you to a beautiful place in your relationship! Put your marriage in His hands, and follow His way. For some strange reason, He seems to know a whole lot better than we do what works and what doesn't!