Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas season

Christmas is upon us. This time of year always brings into my rememberance what we've gone through as a couple. What I did to my wife. How badly I hurt her. How this could have turned out vastly different! How blessed and fortunate I am that we are together!

The other night we decorated our tree together. What a thrill that was! When we finished, I got very emotional, just thinking about the past and what could have been today, had we handled this differently. I thought of how it was quite possible for us to not be together. I do NOT like to think about that! I can't even imagine (nor do I want to) my life without my Cheryl! Not sure where I'd be, or what I'd be doing, but....I have a feeling I would have been crawling back to her somewhere along the line.

So now I thank God for the restoration work he has done in our lives! I can tell you with certainty that if we didn't trust in God and do things His way, we would not have been where we are today! And let me tell you...where we are is beautiful!!!

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